Revolutionizing Hygiene in Healthcare all across America!

ProE-Vac™ Liquid Evacuation System Cleaner

Product Information

Concentrated surgical and dental evacuation system cleaner and deodorizer


  • Dental suction line cleaner for low and high-volume evacuation lines
  • Surgical suction system cleaner and deodorizer
  • Portable suction device cleaning


  • Mildly acidic formula with fast, more effective removal of tough soils including prophy paste, fluoride gel and varnish
  • Cleans blood, mucous and other organic soil residue
  • Regular use keeps tubing and pumps free flowing and reduces odors
  • Non-foaming to protect vacuum system pumps
  • Packaging choices include economical gallon container with metered one-ounce dispensing pump or one-ounce packets for fast, easy dosing
  • Economical concentrate, one ounce makes 32 oz. or one liter of cleaner
  • Tested for compatibility with suction system materials and parts
  • Unlike powders and tablets, ProE-Vac liquid concentrate mixes immediately and works quickly with no residue that may lead to clogging
  • Accessory product Tidy Tote™ container available with convenient low and high-volume suction line fitting and labeled to meet OSHA secondary container requirements (order code PVACB-1)

Technical Details

Active Ingredient Phosphoric Acid CAS#7664-38-2; Glycolic Acid CAS#79-14-1
pH Less than 1.5.
Odor Mint.
Color Pink.
Shelf Life 3 years from date of manufacture.

Technical Data Sheet
