Revolutionizing Hygiene in Healthcare all across America!

Clean Republic Hypochlorous Acid Disinfectant


HOCI Disinfectant

EPA Approval & Stamp

OFFICIAL EPA STAMP: Clean Republic Disinfectant+Sanitizer has demonstrated effectiveness against viruses similar to COVID-19 on hard, nonporous surfaces. Therefore, Clean Republic Disinfectant+Sanitizer can be used against COVID-19 when used in accordance with the directions for use against Norovirus and Rhinovirus type 16 on hard, non-porous surfaces. Refer to the CDC website at for additional information.

Disinfectant + Sanitizer

As a distributor of EPA Reg. No. 85134-1-97177, the product Clean Republic Disinfectant + Sanitizer (EPA Reg. No. 85134-1) is included on the list of products approved by the US EPA on the List-N.

Clean Republic Disinfectant+Sanitizer meets AOAC efficacy testing requirements for hospital disinfection and meets OSHA Blood Borne Pathogen Guidelines. This product is approved by the EPA as a medical grade disinfectant and has been registered with state regulators as a disinfectant.

**Note: Clean Republic Disinfectant+Sanitizer is best used within 6 months as a disinfectant, after which a slow reduction in ppm of Free Active Chlorine begins and then this product becomes a powerful sanitizer rather than a disinfectant.

HOCI Disinfectant