Revolutionizing Hygiene in Healthcare all across America!

ProEZ 2™ Dual Enzymatic Detergent

Product Information

Concentrated dual enzymatic detergent cleaner for surgical instruments and devices


  • Suitable for cleaning medical, dental and veterinary instruments and devices
  • Presoak and manual sink cleaning
  • Ultrasonic instrument cleaning devices
  • Manual endoscope cleaning and automated cleaning cycles of AERs
  • Clean exterior of transducers and ultrasound wands


  • True dual enzyme formula includes protease enzymes for most common protein soils and amylase enzymes for challenging gastrointestinal starch soils
  • Specialty chemistry with enhanced cleaning for endoscopes and devices used for intestinal surgery
  • Tested and validated for fast soil breakdown during soaking and sonication
  • Non-corrosive with broad material compatibility including aluminum
  • Neutral pH, enzymatic cleaner meets device manufacturer’s cleaning directions
  • Chelating agents improve cleaning action in hard water

Technical Details

Dilution Ratios 1/2 – 1 oz. per gallon. For difficult or dried on soils, 2 oz. per gallon.
Removal Time 1 minute minimum or until soils are dissolved or removed.
pH Neutral.
Temperature of Use Effective at room temperature 68°F (20°C), but use of product with warmer water 90° – 110°F(32° – 43°C) will optimize the performance of the enzymes.
Odor Clean, fresh scent.
Shelf Life 2 years from date of manufacture.
Disposal Biodegradable and safe to pour down the drain as non-regulated waste.

Technical Data Sheet
